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June 5, 2020 by NLBNB


A. We are a twist on the current rental businesses. Maybe you are a young or old couple who wants to get away for the night to make mad pationate love in a different enviroment to spice things up. Maybe you are someone working in the sex Industry and need a safe space to do that. Maybe you are someone renting your private sex dungeon out to other just as fun individuals. What ever the case, this is the safer way to do that. We want to match responsible adults with responsible adults. Come to NLDTKINKYBNB to rent your space safely or rent the space you need from landlords who are mature enough and comfortable enough to rent you their space knowing full well that you will probably be fucking there.


Q. Is this legal?

A. Yes! Renting your space is fully legal and no different then any other bnb rental businesses. Admiting you are comfortable enough to rent that space with full knowledge that it is being used for a sexual encounter is also ok. That way you and your renters are on the same page and can have an enjoyable renting experience.


Q. Do you charge a fee for this service?

A. Yes, we charge a small $39.99/ month service fee for every rental that is added to the site. If you wish to list your apartment, condo, home, hotel room, etc, you will be charged $39.99/month.


Q. Why host on NLDTKINKYBNB?

A. Simple. You can connect with like minded individuals who are looking for safe clean locations to rent to have a relaxing night away. The renters do NOT have to worry that they might be “dscovered” that they are using the location to enjoy a night of pasionate sex. This is perfect for couples looking to get away for a romantic night. Perfect for sex workers who are mature and responsible who need a safe location to host gentlemen. Perfect for anyone who has a space to rent that is sex oriented. Lots of hosts equip their homes with dungeons, sex toys, adult play grounds and have no problem renting these spaces out to other like minded folks to enjoy for a nightly fee.


Q. Do you offer any insurance for my property?

A. NO! Sadly we do not so please be aware that you are responsible for making sure you pick and choose your renters wisely. Check in if needed and let your renters know that you are only a phone call away. We will work with hosts to make sure that if any damages are done, they can have the contact info to make reports to police to file charges or file law suits if needed. When renting a space, you are fully responsible for the space and any damages incurred. Please respect the space and the hosts rules.


Q. How can members of the sex industry use this site?

A. This platform is PERFECT for members of the sex industry. Maybe you work in the sex industry and host from a private apartment, condo, etc and only use the location a few times a week. Why not rent out the rest of the time its not being used to like minded individuals who also work responsibly in the industry as well. Maybe you own an agency who has time and space available to rent to people working in the industry. Maybe you own massage studios with available space to rent? Maybe you have a chalet/cabin you can rent out to people in the industry. We gladly welcome those individuals and hosts to join and meet like minded people to make your journey in the sex i ndustry safer and more stress free. Many times, people who work in the industry have to hide and sacrafice their safety and potential income out of fear of being found out. This is wrong and unnecessary! Many people upport his industry and allow people to rent their space. This platform connect those people and helps make the journey easier for everyone involved.